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Top 5 B2C-Brandings, die Sie im Auge behalten sollten: Ranking der Markenidentität Video

Die 5 wichtigsten B2C-Marken, auf die Sie im Jahr 2024 achten sollten. Finden Sie heraus, wer unser Ranking anführt.

7 min read

From AI sports tech to a refurbished electronics marketplace: This video highlights some of the most compelling and innovative projects that have earned a spot on our list of Top 5 B2C brands for 2024. We evaluated each brand based on naming, logotype, color scheme, and brand application on their respective websites. Additionally, we analyzed their brand archetypes to understand what makes these brands successful in their consumer categories. 

By watching this analysis, you will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of brand archetypes.
  • Learn what works for different B2C startup sectors.
  • Be able to identify the strengths of consumer brands.
  • Discover who is our favorite B2C brand

Subscribe to our newsletter to get branding insights and the latest startup news straight into your mailbox. Also, check out our B2C startup brands like Siddha Meditate, GuideMe, and Mappr.

About the author

Tamara Hofer
Redactora y asistente de marketing

Tamara es nuestra experta multilingüe en redacción y storytelling. También ayuda con todos los proyectos en marketing digital.

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